County Durham Youth Justice Service (including Durham Skill Mill) has successfully retained the Investing in Children Membership Award.
Investing in Children (IiC) is a UK initiative that promotes the human rights of children and young people. Within this process County Durham Youth Justice Service has demonstrated the range of different ways in which young people are supported to say what they want to say, and help to improve services used by them, by discussing their ideas with the people who deliver the service.
The Investing in Children Membership Award recognises and celebrates examples of imaginative and inclusive practice with young people. Organisations applying for the award have to demonstrate dialogue with young people which leads to change. However, children and young people have to provide the evidence for the organisation and endorse the membership report because it is a children’s and young people’s award.
The Skill Mill has been operating in County Durham since 2017. Young people are referred directly from County Durham Youth Justice Service. Those employed are selected based on a combination of attitude, skills, punctuality, and risk. Those who are ‘work ready’ are not selected, but those furthest from the labour market are prioritised. If you would like to find out more about our Durham page, visit their webpage or follow them on Twitter.