The Skill Mill
Recycling Centre
The team have been working with Environmental Concern, a local recycling company which run a recycling centre. The team have been recycling a range of household items, including white good such as washing machines. You can find out how to recycle your household items by clicking here.
The team have been developing their bricklaying skills, and building on confidence. A part of the AQA qualification which our young people complete focuses on skill development. Brilliant to see our young people choosing construction skills as something they'd like to build on. Transferable skills which will be of great use post Skill Mill.
Sutton Park Nature Reserve
Sutton Park is a 2,400 acre National Nature Reserve located 6 miles north of the city centre. It’s one of the largest urban parks in Europe and is designated as a Site of Special Scientific Interest. The team have been carrying out some maintenance around the site. Brilliant stuff!
Construction Site Certification Scheme (CSCS)
Our young people at The Skill Mill Birmingham have achieved absolutely outstanding pass marks on their CSCS tests! Brilliant effort - we can't wait to see what our young people will go on to achieve next!

The Dolphin Centre
The team have made some fantastic improvements to the gardens at The Dolphin Centre. Our young people take pride in the work which they carry out, and are delighted with the final result of their improvements.

Gro-Organic is a C.I.C in the West Midlands. The team have been rebuilding Gro-Organic's unique WW2 Victory Garden.
"Gro-Organic have recently worked with young people from Skill Mill to clear up and develop an over grown green space for adults with additional needs and tidy up gardens for local residents who are unable to themselves. The young people who worked with us did a thorough job. I was really impressed by their professionalism and the care these young people took. Thank you so much for all your hard work and we look forward to working with you all again soon."
Tal Arrowsmith at Gro-Organic C.I.C.

Building Vegetable Beds
The team have been busy building vegetable beds. Beds are great for growing small plots of vegetables and flowers. They keep pathway weeds from your garden soil, prevent soil compaction, provide good drainage, and serve as a barrier to pests such as slugs and snails.