The Skill Mill launches in Serbia!
'It was just a few weeks after the delegation of the town of Kruševac and Kruševac Youth Council visited the organisation “The Skill Mill” in Newcastle that the initiative to establish a social enterprise “Skill Mill Serbia” in Kruševac was launched.
The objective is to increase employability of vulnerable categories of young people in that town, most of all of former inmates of the Juvenile Detention Centre. The Skill Mill in the UK has been working for four years now, and has branches in Estonia and the Netherlands.
In the next six months the analysis will be made concerning the target group, labour market and all the stakeholders in the process of employing young people in Kruševac, and the Action Plan for the operation of The Skill Mill representative office in Serbia will be developed. Legal framework for registration in Serbia will be identified, and the Advisory Board will be formed. The Youth Council of Kruševac, one of the local partners of the programme “From Education to Employment” will be the implementing organisation for this project in Serbia.
Through education and on-the-job training programme the Youth Council in Kruševac supports the process of resocialisation of Juvenile Detention Centre inmates and develops support programs for their easier employment as the safest way to prevent them from going back to crime.'
read more here on the pages of: From Education to Employment (E2E), a Swiss and Serbian governments` partnership program designed to improve employability of young people in Serbia.