Monday the 12th of August was International Youth Day. The day is celebration of young people, youth-led organisations, Governments and others who are working to transform education and uplift young people everywhere. The annual celebration recognises the importance of young people in society, and promotes the potential for youth to be partners in working towards a more equitable and inclusive society.
The Local Government Organisation highlighted the amazing work which Youth Offending Teams (YOTs) are doing to support young people. The Skill Mill currently operates in five YOTs across the North of England, actively reducing reoffending and supporting young people into employment.
The benefits for the young people who take part in The Skill Mill go as far as improved mental and physical wellbeing, development of communication skills, and a strong boost of self-esteem. International Youth Day is an opportunity to celebrate the success of the young people we work with, and their ongoing commitment during their time at The Skill Mill, and afterwards.